Keychain Watch

The human race is very innovative and for any problem we encounter we almost immediately come up with a solution: idea or device to make our lives easier. One example is the invention of the keychain. The keychain has been subject to a lot of change and adjusting to the people’s either whims and preferences or to their needs. Looking at this device from the necessity perspective, we notice that there are retractable keychains, meant to help you not lose your keys accidentally or have them at hand. Then there are photo, digital, pen, knife keychains, as well as keychain watch products.

As their names suggest, these different types of keychains, the keychain watch among them, are meant to accomplish certain functions by having certain functional objects either incorporated in them or attached to them. For example the idea of having a keychain watch has occurred from the necessity of having a time keeper at hand, without necessarily wearing a wrist watch round your hand or carrying your mobile phone in your pocket or bag. Some might consider it a great idea to have a keychain watch whereas others might think it is not at all a good idea.

Yet, although the concept of putting a watch on a keychain and getting a keychain watch is, generally, a good one, the fact that it's a keychain makes it less than convenient. Imagine you have to fish out the lump of metal with all of your keys to see what time it is, while at the same time trying to keep your wallet inside your pocket with your other hand, clumsily. Besides, there will be a lot of noise while you would be trying to see the time on your keychain watch. The jiggling of the keys attached to your keychain watch will disturb or alert everyone around you and this would not be something they will appreciate.

In spite of this hard to ignore inconvenient, people have accepted the idea of having a keychain watch and, consequently, a lot of models, sizes and color keychain watches have been made so far. Whether you search the internet or you look for a keychain watch in a store you will be amazed by the wide variety that you will find. The keychain watch products range from the cheapest – around $5 a piece – to the most expensive, deluxe ones – around $20 even up to $50.

The price of a keychain watch differs from one item to another, depending on the material it is made of, the sophistication of the design and its complexity. There are keychain watch items for children and for adults. If the material the keychain watch allows it, you can engrave some words on its cover/lid. A keychain watch usually makes a nice and appreciated birthday gift for both kids and adults.